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이미지 제공: Ariel


Awards: 이미지


2022 KICS Winter Conference Best Paper Award 

Title: Enhancing Training Efficiency of Multi-agent Deep Reinforcement Learning by Sharing Networks

2021 Soongsil Patent Competition Award

Title: Maximum Likelihood Estimation Based Inference Method w.r.t. Driving Characters

2021 KICS ICT Idea Competition Award​

Title: Regional Infection Transmission Rate Prediction Based on SEIR and Graph Network

Team: BMIL (with Hyoseon Kye and Miru Kim)

Awards: 텍스트


18th Qualcomm IT Tour (2022, San diego, CA, ​U.S.A) [Media]

​Amii AI week Scholarship (2022, Edmonton, Canada)

숭실대학교 대학원 입학성적우수장학금(2022) 

Soongsil graduate school fellowship for admission with highest distinction

2021 NeurIPS financial assistance accepted

2021 Hauwei Seeds for the future 수료 [Media]

(재) 예산사랑장학회 성적우수장학금 (2021)
(Co.) Yesan Fellowship; Excellence in grade 

숭실대학교 백마성적장학금(2016, 2019, 2020)

Soongsil University Academic (Excellence in grade) Fellowship

Awards: 텍스트

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